Launch of Dhawura Ngilan (Remembering Country) Business and Investor Guide on 19 March 2024
1. The Launch of the Guide took place on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country (Canberra) on 19 March 2024.
2. The Guide incorporates best practice standards and was developed with the guidance of the First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance and the National Native Title Council. These organisations represent Aboriginal Land Councils and Native Title bodies across Australia.
3. Rachel Perkins acted as MC. The Keynote address was given by Hon Tanya Plibersek, Minister for the Environment and Water. Her theme was that the responsibility for protection of First Nations’ cultural heritage belongs to all of us; the Guide should be adopted by government as well as industry.
4. There was also a Panel discussion on the following topics:
(a) Cath Brokenborough (Executive Lead, First Nations Engagement and Reconciliation at Lend Lease): How did the Initiative come about and what is the objective?
(b) Dr Terri Janke (Terri Janke & Co, Lawyers): How were the Guides developed and what do they contain?
(c) Gary Dean (PKKP AC): How are the Guides important for Traditional Owners?
(d) David Bunting (BHP): What are BHP’s plans for integrating the Guides into your operations?
(e) Claire Heeps (HESTA Superannuation): What is the role of investors and how will HESTA implement the Guides?
5. Present at the Launch were about 70-80 people: industry representatives; Commonwealth public servants; Minister Plibersek’s staff; representatives of several PBCs and other First Nations’ representative groups; some senior staff from BHP and Rio Tinto; representatives of the sponsors of the Guide (RIAA, UN Global Compact); representatives from HESTA; and others.
6. The challenge now is persuading industry, including the mining industry, to adopt the Guide. The Guide reflects much of what PKKP AC is trying to achieve with our negotiation of Co management Agreements with those mining on PKKP Country.
7. A short excerpt from NITV News screened on 20 March 2024 can be seen at:
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