PKKP Aboriginal Corporation is very proud of the group of staff, members and members family who travelled to Sydney for the Indigenous Suicide Prevention Forum in March 2025. It is such an important forum and will provide knowledge and tools for them to bring back to the community to help support our members and community in the future.
Matey Martin-Farrell, Manager Community Health and Partnerships, says “This forum is one of many that will run throughout the country in the next few years, but the quality of the speakers and workshops makes it a standout forum for us to attend”

First Nations grassroots organisations across Australia, like PKKP, continue to lead the way in implementing culturally safe, trauma-informed suicide prevention initiatives. These initiatives are crucial in preventing suicides and fostering resilience within our communities. The Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association (AIPA) know that our people know best what works for them, and the March 2025 forum provides a space for these important initiatives and strategies to be shared.

“Suicide touches almost everyone in our community, and we want to help our community prevent more of it happening. It is such a personal and emotional thing for us and this forum is just one of the positive steps we are taking together,” said Matey. “Sydney is a long way from home so I am sure the trip will be memorable for more than just what we learn. The people we meet, and the experiences we will share and be able to bring back to our community will be invaluable.”

At previous forums in 2022, 2023 and 2024, all attendees had the honour of witnessing the profound impact of community-led efforts in this area. This year, they will continue to build on that momentum, offering a platform for experts, community leaders, and practitioners to come together to share their insights, learn from one another, and form partnerships that will strengthen our collective approach to suicide prevention.

The forum will bring together a diverse group of attendees, including community members, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCO’s), mental health practitioners, policy makers and grassroots leaders. Over three days, participants will engage in rich dialogues, explore cutting-edge strategies and participate in culturally immersive healing experiences.


PKKP will continue to participate in various workshops and forums in the future to help us prevent suicide. These will include members from all parts of our community and all ages and will remain as part of the future strategy for Community Health. This activity is directly related to our 10 year vision
• Our Elders are living longer, stronger and proudly within their communities.
• Our members are provided opportunities to build strong, healthy, and self-determined lives.
It is also one of the Priorities in our ongoing plan, Member Development and Wellbeing – Building an engaged, educated and healthy community. We remain committed to improving the mental health of our members and understand the impact it has on all members of our community and the growth and success of the PKKP peoples.