
Co-management is the concept which describes management of Country and the impacts that mining has on the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura traditional owners. Co-management is an innovative approach to working together, which sets a framework for informed engagement and consultation to manage mining operations on Country. It emphasises shared decision making about environmental and cultural heritage matters that are important to the PKKP people, to achieve better protection of heritage and certainty of outcomes, which both parties require. Co-management operates during each stage of the life of mine cycle, from exploration to design and development, through construction and operations, then closure and rehabilitation.

Nganhurrunha jurndi warrgamurrin igali.

All of us lot are working together

Ngayuwantharri ngurrangga jina nhawuwi country-yu.

We go on Country by foot, we see Country.

PKKP has completed, commenced or about to commence Co-management agreements with the following partners

  • Rio Tinto
  • Fortescue
  • Black Cat (Paulsens) Pty Ltd
  • Mineral Resources Limited
  • API Management Pty Ltd
  • Miracle Iron Holdings Pty Ltd
  • Huau Stone Pty Ltd